The Value of the Mass

The Value of the Mass
Up to our own times, it has been the constant concern of supreme pontiffs to ensure that the Church of Christ offers a worthy ritual to the Divine Majesty, 'to the praise and glory of His name,' and 'to the benefit of all His Holy Church - Pope Benedict XVI, Summorum Pontificum

Monday, February 4, 2008

Taking a break for lent

I just wanted to inform everybody that I am taking a break from the internet for Lent. As a result, I won't be blogging during the season. Remember to be prayerful this season of Lent and the time of the Resurrection draws nearer.

I love Ireland!

To those who know me, it's no supprise that I love Irish culture and Irish music. I just thought I would share this with you!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kudos to the NLM

I wanted to pass on this link to you from the NLM. They have a great post over there about appareled amices and some great pictures from the Fraternidad de Christo Sacerdote y Santa Maria Reina. If any of you speak Spanish, I would appreciate any comments about their website (the Fraternity not the NLM). I'd like to know more about them. I'd also like to know why they are saying Mass outside in their pictures. I saw a link on their website, but alas I am ignorant and my lingual skills stink! You can find the link to their website on the vocation station on the right side of my blog.