The Value of the Mass

The Value of the Mass
Up to our own times, it has been the constant concern of supreme pontiffs to ensure that the Church of Christ offers a worthy ritual to the Divine Majesty, 'to the praise and glory of His name,' and 'to the benefit of all His Holy Church - Pope Benedict XVI, Summorum Pontificum

Sunday, September 2, 2007

New Boston Colonial Fest

Yesterday I went to the New Boston Colonial Fest located near Springfield, Ohio. It really was a great. Souvenirs were relatively cheap (except for period clothing), plus we got to see come cannons fired. The only stupid thing there is that these people seem to be under the concept that the only religion in the 1790's was witchcraft because there were an abundance of tarot card readers, one of which had the audacity to be selling hand made rosaries. I'm guessing she was a misguided Catholic who made her own rosaries and decided that would be a good venue to sell them.

Overall it was pretty great though. Check out these pictures

I need to get me one of those tents for the next time I go camping!

The costumes there (for the most part) were pretty cool.

Dan and Shawn in the stocks. That'll teach them to argue with me!
It was around this time I started smacking Dan in the head because he couldn't do anything about it.Then he did something about it.However, Shawn got a worse punishment for his crime. Because he refused to shower for months at a time he was made to sell flowers in the stocks! Only $1.00!In the end it all seemed to turn out well though. I made my escape and Shawn was in a better mood. It was win/win.

After all was said and done, Shawn and I escaped and had a good beer and a smoke.

Then Shawn got a little bit too drunk and decided to join the local militia.

They decided to put him in charge of the artillery. Notice he's drinking on the job.

I offered to help but all I did was philosophise. I'm not even sure why they let me touch the thing.Then Dan got into the act yelling and screaming "when I was your age I used to use one of these things in the north against the injins!"

Well, that was kind of the last straw. When the Captain saw that Shawn was letting civilians mess with the artillery they threatened to put us in the stocks again. We decided to run instead. After dodging cannon fire for about an hour, we finally made it back to the Josh.

Well, that was our trip. After I patch the bullet holes and wash off the gunpowder I'll get to blogging again. Until then, please pray for me.

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