I just wanted to inform everybody that I am taking a break from the internet for Lent. As a result, I won't be blogging during the season. Remember to be prayerful this season of Lent and the time of the Resurrection draws nearer.
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What is the thing in the picture? It sorta looks like a baptismal font.
it's a confessional
what's confession?
Confession is one of the seven sacraments. It is the sacrament that is the normative means by which sins are forgiven by confessing them to a priest and the priest, acting in the person of Christ, exorcises the Church's power of binding and loosening by either forgiving the sins or retaining them until the individual confessing displays true repentance.
what's lent?
Don't see confessionals like that very often.
I took a bit of a break from the internet, sorry for the long time in replying.
Thanks for your answer, we sort of have that too.
Since you've got mod on and you are taking a break for Lent, I won't expect this comment up or a response at least until easter.
You mention that you were dismissed from the Josephenum, two years ago, in your second year.
I am currently a seminarian and I was curious as to why you were dismissed from there, if you would be willing to share.
you can reach me at cmanderino@gmail.com
May God bless you.
Holy Mary protect you.
Dearest Zach:
Earlier this evening our daughter pulled your name out of our Lenten prayer jar. The entire family prayed the rosary for you and your intentions. May you be blessed now and always!
With great affection,
The Wasson Family
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