Well, I think I've just made another small step into the world of technology. I've recently put a video on youtube. The video is in commemoration of St. Vincent de Paul Orphanage that used to stand on Main St. in Columbus Ohio. Sadly, the chapel old chapel (which hadn't been used in ages) was torn down in May of this year. Check out the video though. Tell me what you think!
You can see the video here.
[Edit: The picture above is of the sanctuary of St. Vincent orphanage in the early 1900's (the chapel was built in 1884). Click on the picture for a more detailed view.]
Zach...that is amazing! You did an incredible job. Would you mind if I embedded this video on my blog? Once again, great job!
go right ahead. I have no problem with it spreading around ;-)
Great video Zach...but really sad.
"O God, the heathens are come into thy inheritance: they have defiled thy holy temple: they have made Jerusalem as a place to keep fruit." Ps.78:1
Very well done. Every diocese needs people who are capable of doing this sort of thing.
What did they do with the windows and the organ?
The windows and organ are currently in storage here at Holy Family. The windows, I believe, have been promised to be used in a new church already. However, I'm not sure when the church is planned to be built (or what church is getting them).
The organ is currently dismantled here, but I believe isn't promised to anybody (so if you know of a church looking for a mid sized organ ;) )
Ohio State was playing football today. My thoughts went way--------back to 1944 when I was a young girl of 9 years. I lived at St. Vincent's Orphanage. Now 63 years later, I have found this wonderful picture of the church I went to everyday for 3 years. Tears came to my eyes to be able to see a memory that had never left my mind. The picture of the church was a great blessing to me today.
Thank You
Dear Anonymous,
I'm glad you found that picture. I did have a video on youtube that was a slide show from St. Vincent's past and, sadly, it's end. I may be putting it back on youtube, so if you wish to see it just contact me through my blog here. God Bless,
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