I just saw some of these pictures over at the NLM blog and thought I would share them here as well. If you haven't heard of the Benedictine monks at Clear Creek, Oklahoma, then you need to check them out. They are traditional monks who live out the rule of St. Benedict to a "t." They have been working on their monastary for some time now and it appears that they have made some major progress. It's my hope now that they begin to use the Missal of John XXIII to match their new monastary.

Err . . . what Missal do you think they use now?
They use the experemental missals of '64/ '65 so there are no prayers at the foot of the altar and no last gospel. Granted, these are based off of the '62 typical edition, but it's not the '62 Mass. This is from reports of some friends I have that have visited them regularly.
That's for communal Masses. Private Masses, which occur everyday, are strictly editio typica 62.
In fact the rite they follow for communal masses was common among benedictines as early as the early 1700's. Not sure how far back it goes before that.
That was not my understanding from speaking to a man who is discerning entering Clear Creek as well as reports from several people who have been on retreats there and have spoken with the monks. I could be wrong though.
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