I have to admit that this new years eve celebration was a little out of the ordinary for me. Usually I do the typical thing like have a few beers, light off some fire works and play video games until 3 or 4 in the morning. This past new years I think I have adopted a great and new pious practice thanks to my good pastor. On new years eve, at the stroke of midnight, we had benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. New years day Mass wasn't bad either, both because every Mass is a solemn event and my friend Travis began to serve the traditional Mass. Check out the pics!

Here's the Mass from the 1st with Fr. Lutz sporting some beautiful Marian Gothic vestments! The young man on the right is my friend Travis. Please pray for him as he is discerning a priestly vocation.
Proof that even Gothic vestments can be beautiful.
Doesn't Fr. Lutz look regal?
And, of course, the pinnacle of the Mass!

I hope you all enjoyed the pictures from the last few days. Give me some feedback on what you think of posts like this. I'm going to try to get more pictures of parish life here because, if you're like me, these images bring great hope and show the great power that the tradition of the Church holds.
I was hoping that they would do a TLM at Our Lady of the Rosary in Dayton for New Years Eve but nothing happened.. so I just stayed home and ignored News Years as usual.
Good pictures, in fact maybe I should try to do this somehow as well.
Lovely photos, Zach! I particularly enjoyed the ones of Fr. Tuscan. The Traditional Latin Mass at Holy Family is, surely, a slice of heaven on this earth.
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