Not too long ago I posted something to the effect of what really needed changed in the old Mass. Truth be told, I think I came up with about 3 things. So what is on the opposite side of that coin? What needs changed in the new Mass?
Well, I think that question is pretty obvious. I think we all know the answer and it ranges everywhere from ad orientem posture to receiving communion kneeling as well as a range of other issues. However, I would like to take the time to look at exactly how I think these changes should be implemented.
First off, although I think that some time should be taken in implementing them, I also think that they should all be implemented at once. Why? Well, because all off the changes that are needed build upon one another. Let me explain a little more.
The biggest problem with the new Mass is that it no longer teaches the faith. The old Mass was a catechises in and of itself. One knew that Christ was present in the Eucharist because you couldn't touch the sacred species or even the sacred vessels, only the priest and deacon could. You also knew by this very same method that Jesus Christ was God (a doctrine that is being lost and replaced by the buddy Jesus.) The new Mass obviously has flaws in this aspect. What can be learned by the new Mass? Is Christ's divinity and full presence emphasised in the Eucharist in the new Mass? I would say hardly, and this is just one of many issues.
So, back to my original assertion, the changes needed should be implemented at once so as to create a complete theological catechises in action. For example: Saying Mass ad orientem places importance on the Resurrection as well as emphasises the sacrificial nature of the Mass. It also places emphasis on the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, being that we all face the resurrected Christ. However, this is not in continuity with receiving the Eucharist in the hand while standing! So if just the aspect of saying Mass ad orientem was changed without being accompanied by the changes in reception of communion, the act of saying Mass ad orientem just appears as a nostalgic priest bullying his parishioners.
That was but one example, however it applies to the many other changes that are needed.
Now, I know that this post has been a little choppy, and unfortunately I'm in a bit of a hurry as I only have a couple weeks left of school and have quite a lot of papers due, but I haven't posted in a while, and I thought that this was an interesting aspect to consider.
I'll leave you with some eye candy :D

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