Well, there's a lot of rumors out there right now about the Motu Proprio possibly coming out on May 5 (the feast of St. Pius V on the old calender.) Originally there was speculation that it would come out today (the feast of St. Pius V on the new calender.) Obviously that hasn't happened.
I have to say that although I don't buy into a lot of the rumors, I am getting excited. There are a lot of coincidental happenings on May 5. Obviously the feast of St. Pius V (old calender), but that day also happens to be our diaconate ordinations. Not only that, but May 5 is a first Saturday. As a local coincidence, this first Saturday our local indult parish is using it's oldest vestments, a missal dating from 1607 and a special chalice the priest has that has a jewl from Mary Queen of Scots in it.
Although I personally think that the rumors are garbage (because the date was supposedly given by the pope to Alice Von Hildebrand, but we have yet to hear that from her mouth), I do think that May 5 would be the perfect date. It would just provide a capstone to all of the great things happening that day.
Let's pray extra hard this week, throught the intercession of St. Pius V, to Christ for the restoration of the liturgy in his Church for the renewal of his people and to bring a resurrection of sacredness this Easter season.

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