Monday, May 28, 2007
New Rumors on the Motu Proprio

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Here at Holy Family

Well, I've spent a week so far at Holy Family and...
The people here are absolutely awsome. I'm just now beginning to lear my prayers to serve low Mass and in two weeks I will begin to lear a High Mass. It' s really exciting. I've been really busy working here and it's nice to center my prayer life with a pretty stable prayer schedule. I don't have a lot of time to blog because I'm so busy, but I thought I would share this with the internet world. Please Pray for me!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Done and Done
Well, it's all over but the cryin'!
Actually, there'll be no cryin' for the next couple of months because I'm done with my first year of seminary!!!!! (Only 7 more to go!) I just finished my final paper and so it's all over for this year.
What are my plans for summer you ask? Well simple, I'll be on assignment at my dioceses local (and only) indult parish, Holy Family. This summer my duties will include helping out at their soup kitchen for the poor, giving tours of the jublee museum (I'll explain that in a minute), and of course learning how to serve at the Traditional Roman Liturgy!!!!!
So, about the Jublee Museum. This is so cool I have to explain it a bit more. The Jublee Museum was established in 1998 by the current pastor Fr. Lutz. The museum contains all maner of sacred items from the Church's past. Items include vestments of Popes Pius XII as well as Leo XIII. The most prised possessions in the museum, however, are the sacred vessels, vestments and altars. Yes you read right, altars. Fr. Lutz, for almost 10 years now, has litterally taken sacred items out of the trash. When parishes threw away their sacred items in the 60's they ended up with Fr. Lutz. If a church closes down, he makes sure that he gets the things they would otherwise destroy. It's truely an amazing place, and I'm going to be giving tours this summer! (For those of you in the Ohio area, this summer go to the link I posted about the museum and be sure to schedule a tour sometime!
So that's the jist about my summer. I have to say that I'm looking forward to it. It will help me get some major discerning done. Many things have been going through my mind this year, so it will be nice not to have any school work and to be able to pray. It's truely going to be an awsome summer.
Because I'm not sure how much internet access I will have, my posting may be pretty scarse and sparattic. I will try to post when I get a chance (for the few fans I have in cyber world.)
+Oremus Pro Invicem+
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A nice little brew.
The First One is My Favorite. I think I'll try to find a way for that to be a header.
Brought to you by the fine folks at Brewtopia Beer Builder.
Mickey Mouse wants you to die!
Mickey Mouse against the world!
Now, somebody watch that and think for one minute whether or not this religion is satanic.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
A Little Add for an Awsome Store!

One of my friends found this church supply store in Georgia and I felt compelled to advertise for it here. This store is absolutely amazing, and they have it all! From antique and new custom built altars to baldicinos to altar rails. They have it all. The store is focused with salvaging items from destroyed churches, however they are able to build custom stuff there as well. I highly recommend checking out their altar designs. Absolutely Amazing!
King Richard's Religious Artifacts Retrieval and Restoration
Monday, May 7, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
I need to learn French!
The Mass of the Ages
Edit: Due to my non-existent French skills, I was unaware that this is a video for the SSPX. I still find the video informative and beautiful, but I must make this disclaimer. I do not support nor endorse the Society of St. Pius X. I only posted this video based on the sole fact that I thought it was a well done video highlighting the Traditional Latin Mass.
Edit: One of the commentor here translated this video from the French. Here is the translation:
Friday, May 4, 2007
Msgr. Michael Shmitz on Catholic Answers
On Friday, May 4th, 2005, at 6:00 pm ET (22:00 GMT) Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz, Vicar General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and its Provincial Superior for the United States, will be interviewed on “Catholic Answers Live.†Hosted by Jerry Usher, the program is broadcast on more than 80 AM and FM radio stations across the United States, as well as over the internet on EWTN Radio (www.ewtn.com).
The theme of the interview will be the “Growing Popularity of the Classical Roman Rite.â€
There will be opportunity for live questions from the listening audience.
I encourage people to listen to this broadcast. I once had the opportunity to hear Msgr. Schmitz live and he is one of the smartest priests I've ever heard. I would also encourage people to call in to try to find out exactly what he knows about the current state of the Motu Proprio. (Or any other questions you may have about the old mass ;-) )
The Mass of ages:
Frequently banned
Never forbidden
One priest out of five ordained today in France celebrates exclusively the traditional rite of the Mass.
Numerous priests express the desire to discover the traditional Mass, and to celebrate it.
65% of French Catholics support wider use of the traditional Mass.
At a time when Pope Benedict XVI is on the verge of allowing wider use of the Tridentine rite of the Mass, the Society of St. Pius X proposes this high quality educational tool which will allow all priests to discover this rite.
Voiceover: He unfolds the altar cloth. The altar cloth is placed two fingers' width from the edge of the altar. Several times during the duration fo the mass, the priest must place his joined hands on the alter, like this. His hands must not touch the altar cloth. At the words "A reading from the Gospel," he places is left hand on the edge of the missal, and makes with his right thumb a sign of the cross over the spot on the page where the Gospel starts. Then, with his left hand on his chest, he makes the sign of the cross on himself with his right thumb, first on the forehead, then on the lips, and then on the chest. Then, he joins his hands together.
He takes the paten, and holding it in both hands at chest height, he raises his eyes for one moment to the alter crucifix. With his eyes focused on the host, he begins the prayer of consecration. To set down the host, the priest proceeds as follows. He lowers the paten, tracing with it a sign of the cross on the altar. He sets the host down on the altar cloth, taking the paten with his right hand and slides it halfway under the corporale.
He recites the [unclear] in a deep bow, joined hands placed on the altear. Then he bends down to the altar, stands back up, and then traces a sign of the cross on the host and over teh chalice. He then makes the sign over himself before joining his hands again.
This film is a production from the "Letter to our brother priests." a means of connection between the Society of St. Pius X and the priests of France.