Well, it's all over but the cryin'!
Actually, there'll be no cryin' for the next couple of months because I'm done with my first year of seminary!!!!! (Only 7 more to go!) I just finished my final paper and so it's all over for this year.
What are my plans for summer you ask? Well simple, I'll be on assignment at my dioceses local (and only) indult parish, Holy Family. This summer my duties will include helping out at their soup kitchen for the poor, giving tours of the jublee museum (I'll explain that in a minute), and of course learning how to serve at the Traditional Roman Liturgy!!!!!
So, about the Jublee Museum. This is so cool I have to explain it a bit more. The Jublee Museum was established in 1998 by the current pastor Fr. Lutz. The museum contains all maner of sacred items from the Church's past. Items include vestments of Popes Pius XII as well as Leo XIII. The most prised possessions in the museum, however, are the sacred vessels, vestments and altars. Yes you read right, altars. Fr. Lutz, for almost 10 years now, has litterally taken sacred items out of the trash. When parishes threw away their sacred items in the 60's they ended up with Fr. Lutz. If a church closes down, he makes sure that he gets the things they would otherwise destroy. It's truely an amazing place, and I'm going to be giving tours this summer! (For those of you in the Ohio area, this summer go to the link I posted about the museum and be sure to schedule a tour sometime!
So that's the jist about my summer. I have to say that I'm looking forward to it. It will help me get some major discerning done. Many things have been going through my mind this year, so it will be nice not to have any school work and to be able to pray. It's truely going to be an awsome summer.
Because I'm not sure how much internet access I will have, my posting may be pretty scarse and sparattic. I will try to post when I get a chance (for the few fans I have in cyber world.)
+Oremus Pro Invicem+
The good old "ticked off" pick..
How did you get assigned to an indult parish? Was it hard?
No, it wasn't hard. I just asked my bishop.
Good luck, and God bless, Zach.
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